Female in Focus

Single Image Winners | Other Joys | Ovoo

Other Joys - Alice Poyzer

Other Joys is a body of work that explores the intensity of my special interests as an autistic woman, through a careful balance of self-portraits, documentary shots and constructed imagery. The feeling that surrounds special interest is almost indescribable. This heavy sensation of warmth, euphoria and excitement is something many in the autistic community can relate to. Consequently, I wanted to make this body of work as a way to communicate that feeling.

While Other Joys was made to shed light on the concept of special interests, the making of it additionally acts as a way for me to understand my autism better. Throughout, the project comments on my own autistic traits, such as my need for rigid routine and my innate ability to constantly mask my autism. Simultaneously, the work nods to the idea that there is still a desperate need for further autistic representation, especially in relation to autistic women.

The process of making these photographs provides me with a safe space to be my true self, allowing me to unmask and experience my autistic joy to the fullest. What was once a fear of being deemed different and unusual has now become a celebration of self-acceptance and understanding.

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